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Residential Cabinet Designs
3 Residential Cabinet Designs to Consider During Kitchen Renovations
Kitchen renovations can be a lot of fun. Picking out all those traits and details to bring an idea to life lets you explore your designer personality and create a kitchen that works well for your family. One of the biggest parts of the process is picking out the cabinetry design that fits with your overall design ideas. Take a look at some of the most popular cabinetry designs to consider.
Rustic-Modern Residential Cabinet Designs
Rustic-modern residential cabinet designs are one of the more preferred designs these days. The rustic-modern look ties together rustic cabinetry with certain modern attributes. For instance, the cabinets may have rustic, grained wooden faces with a more traditional or crude look and stainless steel hardware or handles to offer a touch of modern chic personality.
Floating Kitchen Cabinet Designs
Floating kitchen cabinets are unique in the fact that they do not look like they are attached to anything; they appear to almost “float” on the wall. The cabinets are anchored in the back to the studs in the wall, but they may not reach completely to the floor at all.
Semi-Open Kitchen Cabinet Designs
Semi-open kitchen cabinet designs are not for everyone, but for certain types of kitchens, these cabinets really work well. Semi-open cabinets have some open shelves instead of having all shelving enclosed inside of a cabinet. For example, the lower cabinetry may be fully enclosed and the upper cabinetry may be only minimalistic shelves instead. Of course, semi-open shelving requires some forethought and organization, but the items stored on open shelving become part of the overall design.
Many residential cabinet designs exist, and picking the best design for your kitchen renovations project can be a challenge. Work with us at Cutting Edge Cabinetry to determine precisely what kind of cabinets will work best for your kitchen and your lifestyle at home.